To a Child

Monday, December 28, 2009

Threes are what I remember: back, side, more.

I still can cook, Julia. It is the only place where I admit
I don't know it all
but I stay close to it all, sleeping with the books piled around me,
vegetables on the shelves. Would fruits make a good pillow? (Like the one with the lace sham where we ate orange popsicles that August ninth before I had to leave for the first time and you had to say it back.)
The gear on my hindsight gets stuck in reverse so all I see is cannons of snow, bombastic on the sham turned gray and you're dead, Julia.
The threes folded together and the tree I won died on my back porch.

Am I nothing but a tied-up question, ribbons and
left-field allstars?

When I am all, I can picture the great
the great
the great uncle and
the ball going
through a loss and blame
and my dog
walking along.

The possessive of a future object can come from the past. Neither one? We still want you.

Shake and fumble on the rim. Can you
tell me
where to find the names or escape ladders like they have in those three hour films we would have escaped to had we been there in the first place but we were over here, not there, circular and first to fit our adapters to our convex somethings that can't help how much it takes -- all in either or either way.
Sunday, December 13, 2009


If you are reading this, tell me who you are.
Let's play. I know some of you are from Athens and New York and otherworldly destinations so tell me where, who, what, how, and when. Tell me all and then some.

We are poor but We live well

Friday, December 4, 2009

We removed the red from our lungs:

-purple prose with a pomegranate core

-thank-you notes

-goulash with toast squares

All these mean to the lowlads stews strong inn the Transylvanians, with pulverized peppercorns instead of the noble & sweet pride of Hungary.

That same pride conquered the land, invading the fifteenth centurys’ palate to breeze from kitchen to couty. The very noble admitted the clandestined spice to their banquests (tables) (nostrils).

The housewife now uses the teaspoon or the countertop to measure for clay-like meat, rouged soups. Those who raise chickens have seared chicken (with paprika) or, if there is sour cream, paprika chicken. They have specialties but they are quite content with corn-meal mush or plum dumplings.