Tuesday, May 4, 2010

consistency, ability, sweet futures, his dome, I don't want all the others.
This is my constant replacement, the advice I can't give to view all memories and comfort.
We'll be worse off.
Last week when I was his hair, it felt the same but I called out on how much being is wrong to deserve some special soul. Answer the topic that hurt the word on my feeble stead, a flood of hours. He just didn't know what to do, even now.
It wells in my clarity when I think of other people knowing how a person is supposed to react when I'm too busy asking if one exists. Is it just healthy levels of whatever allows them to leap?
Of course, I'm unfair to sit here outing the bad but I need to
I need to when I think of what I've done or haven't done or really have to do.
Saturday, May 1, 2010

It is only sound but potential
beekeeping masks and the smell
of that thing
keep me away.

He was only four feet down,
layered between wood
a floor and separating beam.

I've been using cabbage leaves,
escaping a creation
to enjoy lightness/dryness.
See what I did just there, with that one hit
I made my own uncertainty into what I really needed