Fun: For Leonid Telyatnikov

Saturday, March 19, 2011

When you showed up, the five roof fires spread quickly and even though your brother was born on that same day years before, you smiled and sprayed.
Suitless and unprotected, you smiled and sprayed. Unlistened madness, ritual behaviors: blow out the candles.

And now I wonder if you would be impressed after releasing a flame, how another strange creature dances in a moonlit and empty countryside.

the lynx
the lynx

keeper of secrets, protector of unlistened secrets
i'm blessed for your presence
i'm blessed by your smile
i'm blessed by your spray

their typical behavior is that of peeing in a hole,
covering the urine, waiting ten years
and taa-daa
a garnet
a gem
a beauty worth an economy

But all of this: the story,the man, the beast, the place --
it pales in what is now the largest reserve of life and green
of new bursts, of natural bursts.

A fire, an arrival, an untruth: thirty-one albino swallows.